Santo Tomás Pillow Case

Santo Tomás Pillow Case


In contrast to many other nearby volcanoes, Volcán Santo Tomás is not a super popular hiking destination. Instead visitors flock to Fuentes Georginas hot springs which sits at the base of Santo Tomás. Multiple outdoor pools range in temperature from extremely hot to moderately warm. The pools are thought to contain healing waters and some people gather it in bottles to take home with them. The bold colors and patterns of the Santo Tomás pillow case are indicative of the energy of the volcano and surrounding geothermal activity.

More Information: Woven on a backstrap loom by women in the highlands of Guatemala

Dimensions: 16" x 16" OR 12" x 20"

Fabric: 100% Cotton

Care: Spot clean with cold water and soap.

Note: Because this item is handcrafted, there may be minor variations in size and color.

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