Coral Pillow Case

Coral Pillow Case


In modern history, Lake Atitlán's water level has dramatically risen and fallen due to earthquakes and landslides. As recently as 2005, the lake has risen and taken some buildings under its depths. Scuba divers can now swim through former lounges and homes. Rumors abound that UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) may eventually identify the area as a Heritage Site. The underwater marvels of Lake Atitlán were the inspiration for this design.

The backside of the pillow is solid cream-colored cotton fabric.

More Information: Woven on a backstrap loom by women in Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan, Guatemala

18" x 18"

Fabric: 100% Cotton

Care: Spot clean with cold water and soap.

Note: Because this item is handcrafted, there may be minor variations in size and color.

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